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SGPT (aka shell-gpt) is a powerful command-line interface (CLI) tool designed for seamless interaction with OpenAI models directly from your terminal. Effortlessly run queries, generate shell commands or code, create images from text, and more, using simple commands. Streamline your workflow and enhance productivity with this powerful and user-friendly CLI tool.

Developed with the help of SGPT.


  • Instant Answers: Obtain quick and accurate responses to simple questions directly in your shell, streamlining your workflow.
  • Shell Commands Generation: Effortlessly generate and execute shell commands, simplifying complex tasks and enhancing productivity.
  • Code Production: Generate code snippets in various programming languages, making it easier to learn new languages or find solutions to coding problems.
  • ChatGPT Integration: Utilize ChatGPT's interactive chat capabilities to refine your prompts and achieve more precise results, benefiting from the powerful language model.
  • Bash Functions and Aliases: Seamlessly integrate SGPT responses into custom bash functions and aliases, optimizing your workflows and making your daily tasks more efficient.

By offering these versatile features, SGPT serves as a powerful tool to enhance your overall productivity, streamline your workflow, and simplify complex tasks.