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Running Queries

For users who prefer to use Docker, SGPT provides a Docker image:

  1. Pull the latest Docker image:
docker pull
  1. Run queries using the Docker image:
$ docker run --rm -e OPENAI_API_KEY=${OPENAI_API_KEY} txt "mass of sun"
The mass of the sun is approximately 1.989 x 10^30 kilograms.

Saving Chat Sessions

When using SGPT within a Docker container, you can mount a local folder to the container's /home/nonroot path to save and persist all active chat sessions. This allows you to maintain your chat history and resume previous conversations across different container instances.

To mount a local folder and save chat sessions, follow these steps:

  1. Pull the SGPT Docker image:
docker pull
  1. Create a local folder to store your chat sessions, e.g. sgpt-chat-sessions:
mkdir sgpt-chat-sessions
  1. Change the permissions of the folder to the nonroot user of the Docker image:
sudo chown 65532:65532 sgpt-chat-sessions
  1. Run the Docker container with the local folder mounted to /home/nonroot:
$ docker run --rm -e OPENAI_API_KEY=${OPENAI_API_KEY} -v $(pwd)/sgpt-chat-sessions:/home/nonroot txt "mass of sun"
The mass of the sun is approximately 1.99 x 10^30 kilograms.
$ docker run --rm -e OPENAI_API_KEY=${OPENAI_API_KEY} -v $(pwd)/sgpt-chat-sessions:/home/nonroot txt "convert to earth masses"
To convert the mass of the sun to earth masses, we need to divide it by the mass of the Earth:
1.99 x 10^30 kg / 5.97 x 10^24 kg = 333,000 Earth masses (rounded to the nearest thousand) 
So the mass of the sun is about 333,000 times greater than the mass of the Earth.